Homeatics whats the affordable Modular homes brand #home@ix all about?

18 min readFeb 17, 2021


Home@ix is committed to the Entry Level budget homeownership Market. Delivering affordable Homes and the means to Finance them literally without costing the earth.

Home@ix is Green by design, and Affordable by design , we are experts in materials passports, Energy based economics and Placemaking.

We do have questions though regarding the Agenda 2030 sustainable development goals and whether financial products are being developed for our Customer price point.

This coming week we will publish a series of discussion papers surrounding the question. Is 21st Century Britain, in 2021, going to be a Home Owning democracy or a Rent seeking Banana Republic?

Over the past 6 months we have published a comprehensive series of discussion papers surrounding the question of affordable Homes Finance and how affordable homes may be built and land acquired to meet the unrequited demand.

#COP26 Presentation Embodied Energy, Embodied Carbon Building Information Modelling (BIM) Technical Framework Sourcebook
#COP26 Presentation
1. Land Tax, Carbon Pricing
2. Money, Debt Credit Creation
3. Mortgage Reform

Housing Market Fundamentals including Debt. From Shiller’s Irrational Exuberance to The Covid19 Debt Bomb.#COP26 Moduloft Primer.

Affordable Homes, A Framework of Understanding.
Moduloft Finance Affordable Finance A Framework of Understanding
Moduloft Finance
Affordable Finance
A Framework of Understanding

Moduloft finance Affordable housing

  1. Moduloft(1) is a Modular Residential Manufacturing System applying mass production Line supply chain and assembly line Technologies to the production of affordable homes. Founded by Roger Lewis a veteran urban regeneration expert with a long history in the Regeneration of London Docklands both as a consultant and principal.

(1) Moduloft was a development name for our Concepts Loftm@ix is a Brand available in our new Range under the Home@ix brand.

2. Roger Trained as a Chartered Surveyor and qualified as an Associate of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in 1990 having worked for Shell UK, The Prudential Assurance Company, London Shop PLC, Hillier Parker May and Rowden . Roger has been self employed Since 1990.
Executive Summary.

3. The Crisis in affordable housing has been well known and increasingly acute since the Mid 1990’s. Provision of suitable housing has traditionally been through a mixture of Local Authority Provision, Private Landlords and Through Home ownership supported by Mortgage Society Home loans ( Mortgages). With the Liberalization of the UK housing market since the early 1980’s and light touch regulation of the finance sector the financing of and distribution of types of housing has changed considerably.

4. Land use policy through the planning and regulation framework, Government policy and Regulation of Rent levels , financial firms and so forth affect availability of land for development. These supply side variables as well as demand for accommodation near employment opportunities all present a myriad of dynamic variables which are often treated as discrete problems within their own boundaries. Different sets of Experts and various vested interest Agendas all explain their estimation of the problem often pulling in opposing and contradictory directions.

5. There are two broad categories of Residential Property Homes for rental and Homes for Owner occupation. Rental homes for social housing provision exist as a fact of life for those without the means to become owner occupiers or as temporary longer term accommodation for people with a temporary need to be in a community for longer than a guest spell of time but shorter than justifying the costs of acquisition inherent in making a long term mortgage commitment.

6. Whether properties are built for Rent or for sale Finance plays a very large role in both funding development and providing long term mortgage finance

7. The Modern Property Market is based around the repayment of privately
created debt money. This is distributed through the banking system. Banking interests operate a cartel setting the terms and conditions for issuing fresh debt money short term for development and longer term for mortgages. This aspect of the Housing Market is usually looked at through the lens of Interest
Rates and rarely with an appreciation of the Quantity of available credit being distributed by the Monopoly suppliers of that credit.

8. The system of Debt based Money creation and the System of
Taxation operate in Tandem as set out in the Paper submitting
evidence on tax policy to the Treasury Select committee on Tax

“Legitimate government spending generally provides infrastructure,
services and welfare payments to resident people and businesses. To
benefit from this government spending, a person must own or rent a
home or operate a business in the area. The monthly amount people pay
to occupy their homes is set in the marketplace, based upon location and
the value of natural, commercial and government amenities provided.
Landlords charge monthly for these location amenities while home
sellers charge a lump sum.”

9. Following the Financial Crisis of 2008 and the subsequent Sub
Prime fall out the emphasis has been on Borrowers and their actions and motivations and not on the Lenders and the Dynamics surrounding Credit creation . This lacuna in analysis leads to a misdiagnosis of an affordability and allocation problem in The Housing market not a Supply Shortage(1).
(1) https://theecologist.org/2008/aug/02/radical-carbon-tax-reform

10. The UK’s ratio of residential mortgage debt to GDP has fallen from 79% in 2009, but at 68% it is still the fourth highest in the EU (see).64 P.58 Whitepaper “Fixing Our Broken Housing Market” #Moduloft The Concept. #Cop26 Draft №2 notes Presentation and discussion #BuildBackBetter #LevellingUp

Housing Market
Fundamentals including Debt.
From Shiller’s Irrational
Exuberance to The Covid19 Debt
Bomb.#COP26 Moduloft Primer.


#COP26 Presentation Embodied Energy, Embodied Carbon Building Information Modelling (BIM) Technical Framework Sourcebook

This is a work in Progress, Product Launch is expected first quarter 2021.

Moduloft:The Affordable Housing Manufacturer Moduloft Finance Affordable Finance
Moduloft:The Affordable Housing Manufacturer
Moduloft Finance
Affordable Finance

“In Finance many of the greatest inventions are in terminology. A new Name for and old idea.”

GK Galbraith, The Age of Uncertainty Episode 7, The Mandarin Revolution.

Moduloft:The Affordable Housing Manufacturer Skin In the Game

Understanding Bank Deposits, Bank Equity and Bank Own Debt

Note of interest here is the idea of longer term financing even intergenerational financing after all what are government debt if not intergenerational financing through taxation more democratic to have longer term time frames this of course poses problems for the current system regarding booking large profits over shorter time horizons I argue that this is a systemic disjoint in one of the basic human rights to Shelter.
This is a theme to be developed regarding Price and Value and the Trading of Mortgage Securities and distressed asset sales as opposed to the more egalitarian course of action which would be to Create some sort of Amnesty on Mortgages ( Principal residence only and even up to a Minimum price say £250k in UK figure could be arrived at by discussion.
The idea that Banks have been caught out more than home owners is perverse. The Banks have created commitments for the borrowers to them and actually not given in return what the Borrowers largely believed I.E that their Mortgage is matched by and equal deposit/ saving of another bank customer. At best the banks have 1 tenth of this covered 10% and in many cases it is more like 1 fortieth 1/40 2.5% so on a mortgage of £100,000
the bank only has capital of at most £10k at risk and in all likely hood more probably £4k at risk. Therefore in distressed sales all on going mortgage payments made should be viewed accordingly and and distressed asset sale again viewed similarly.
I,e a mortgage holder with 25k negative equity on a mortgage of 100k still has an asset worth at least 7.5 x the capital reserve the bank allocated against making that loan. I.E the borrower remains in debt for 100k a new debt of 75k is created and and the bank gets all its basic capital back has had the interest in the meantime and will still milk the original borrower through the Bankruptcy process for a further 2 years representing further pure profit.
Other commitment bank have created beyond the reserve ratios based on trading these very profitable rights to receive mortgage payments cause the banks to be insolvent but compound the extent to which the original deceit is leveraged to the cost of the Mortgage Payer who is also the future tax payer for the government debt taken on the Save the banks from their excesses with their derivatives based upon the imaginary debt money they are licensed to create in the first place.

Over the past 25 years a Gap has opened in the market between what is affordable and what is built to address the shortage of Affordable Residential property. The Definition of help to buy in london is a range up to 600k.
Development has gone high rise and targeted at the Buy to rent markets often specifically for investors in the Far East. Or Buy to Let landlords in the UK.
S 106 provision of Affordable Social Housing has not addressed the dynamics of a housing market where the children of families can remain within communities. This problem has been known about with attempts to address it in Rural areas where Holiday home and second home buyers price out Villagers. In Urban Centres Commutes have got longer and more expensive. This recent “Action on Empty homes” report nails the problem in my opinion.

Action on Empty Homes campaigns for more empty homes to be brought into use for people in housing need. Our aims are to: ■ Raise awareness of the waste of long-term empty homes. ■ Campaign for changes to national policy. ■ Support loca o: ■ Raise awareness of the waste of long-term empty homes. ■ Campaign for changes to national policy. ■ Support local communities in transforming their neighbourhoods. ■ Provide advice for those seeking to bring empty homes back into use. ■ Research and develop ideas for bringing long-term empty homes back into use for those in housing need.

If people make places and communities ( I think that they do), then the provision of the basic spaces for communities to “Make their own” over time is the essence of our new concept. Our Budget Live Work Thrive “Be the event” comprehensive development approach of Placemaking Basics by for and of the people and their community.
In Urban contexts and in Suburban or rural contexts the same basic principles apply.

Help to Buy and other Schemes.

“Are we Looking for and have we been looking for solutions?
In this response, it is assumed The Committee is seeking to further the
public interest, even where this may conflict with the private
interests which usually dominate the analysis and debate. This will
pose a major challenge to those who have learned their analysis
exclusively through channels devoted to promoting private interests,
and must unlearn erroneous but pervasive assumptions and “unlearn”
erroneous but pervasive assumptions and principles.”

the distinction between Bank, Building society and Other lending in
all the stats is key, followed up by the Distinction between, Mortgage
for New or Existing homes as 1st Mortgages,Mortgages for Remortgages
and finally mortgages for Letting investments. The other very
important distinction is Mortgage Funds secured in the Money Markets
and Mortgages originated as Bank credit. Northern Rock of course
famously became a casualty of the former and The Market itself is in my
opinion enslaved to the latter. One further Stratification category
would be the Element of Value attributable to Site or Land Value. All
of my recent researches point to Land Value Tax, and the Late Dr Adrian
Wrigley s work. This paragraph is sandwiched between Two Quotes from
Adrian’s work.

Evidence of a real housing shortage is absent. A real shortage would
show up as overcrowding nationwide. People would be walking the
streets in the hope of finding a room. Room prices would be high, and
there would be no empty houses.We have a crisis of affordability and
allocation. People are borrowing eight times their income to get on
the housing ladder yet there are 700,000 derelict houses, 500,000
second homes, and hundreds of thousands of pensioners homes with at ‘s Irrational least three bedrooms spare. The overheated Spanish housing market shows that rapid building programmes do not cure price bubbles.

For an Affordable Product to work the appropriate supply of newly
created credit needs to be accessible for new first time buyers. It is
the successive failure to solve or even address this piece of the
puzzle that has led to the Market as we see it today. By some
estimations ( Werner et al) the cause of the Gyrations we call the
property cycle, is the availability of Credit, Bankers and Policy
makers/regulators are to blame or thank depending on which side your bread is buttered.

At this point separating the Flows of Credit into the Housing Market is
a non trivial task As one has to Factor in The Production Side of the
equation; House builders/Developers etc. with financing of Land
Acquisition, Planning and Construction. Understanding these flows and incorporating them into a model to see how the Split between; Newly created Credit and Institutional Equity Funding expressed as Developer Payments, Insurance Company Liability cover , and Other risk Capital from the Players in the Model Transaction create a complex dynamic system where much of the Devil is found in the detail. Simple indices, median prices and Stylized Facts all contribute to the confusion and ultimately have succeeded in throwing
the Baby out with the bathwater. I think if workable solutions have or can be developed then any workable solutions should all satisfy two provisos.
1. Higher LTV lending and also

2. Lending at Higher Joint income Multiples
Both of these are a necessary combination if First Time buyers are to see sufficient credit allocation.

The Macro Prudential framework as it currently exists , will I think
frustrate even prudent and attractive Mortgage products for First Time
buyers. My Latest Blog touches on the Problem. Per Kurowski who I quote
in the Blog is an ex director of the World Bank and If the Good Ship
Sonia is to set sail, we could do a lot worse than pay heed to Pers
message which he has oft repeated in the letters section of the FT.

“We must..“unlearn” erroneous but pervasive assumptions and With lower bank capital requirements for residential mortgages than for loans to the entrepreneurs or SMEs, those who can create the jobs needed in order to service utilities and mortgages, you will not have a functional economy, and houses have morphed from being affordable homes into being the main risky-investment of way too many families.”

The Stylized Facts of the Macro Prudential Literature , succeeds in
doing what Stylized Facts do. That is The decoupling of The Entry
levels of the Market from Fundamentals has gone undiagnosed. I am not
convinced that this is not condoned by implicit policy, where being
seen to be trying to do something is enough, Actually doing something
is not the standard of success, a triumph of Stylized Facts over
Substance, Perhaps?

“unlearn” erroneous but pervasive assumptions and A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for ,.

Tackling the UK housing crisis: is supply the answer?

5. “The collapse in home ownership was mainly due to withdrawal of
mortgage finance from FTBs, which suggests policymakers face a trade-off.
This paper has argued that, while high house prices affect home
ownership, the dominant driver of its recent collapse
was a sudden stop on mortgage lending to FTBs. And in keeping with that
explanation, the recent return to a more normal pace of FTB lending has seen the home ownership rate stabilise and perhaps begin to recover.”

Ian Mulheirn August 2019

The new focus of RLD “placemaking” is as described in the recent
article in Property Week.

More Specifically.

Over the past 25 years a Gap has opened in the market between what is
affordable and what is built to address the shortage of Affordable
Residential property. The Definition of help to buy in london is a range up to 600k. Development has gone high rise and targeted at the Buy to rent markets
often specifically for investors in the Far East. Or Buy to Let landlords in the UK. S 106 provision of Affordable Social Housing has not addressed the dynamics of a housing market where the children of families can remain within communities. This problem has been known about with attempts to address it in Rural areas where Holiday home and second home buyers price out Villagers. In Urban Centres Commutes have got longer and more expensive. This recent “Action on Empty homes” report nails the
problem in my opinion.

If people make places and communities ( I think that they do), then the
provision of the basic spaces for communities to “Make their own” over
time is the essence of our new concept. Our Budget Live Work Thrive “Be
the event” comprehensive development approach of Placemaking Basics
by for and of the people and their community.
In Urban contexts and in Suburban or rural contexts the same basic
principles apply.

Part one Modular from Prefab to Ab Fab

Home@ix projects will have dedicated exclusive Assembly lines , serviced by the INNO Supply Chain. INNO is a Supply Chain and Assembly Line Concept! This revolutionises the Speed of Delivery and minimises Waste at all stages of the Construction Process. Utilising the INNO supply chain and assembly line model the Home@ix team have developed a Range of Model community developments for Senior Assisted Living and Affordable Rental properties , suitable for Local authority and Institutional clients. The Manufacturing assembly line process allows , Defined Brand Styles to be produced according to each specific local market. Our Ranges are The Style Affordable Range, The Style Plus Range and the Loft and Loft Plus Ranges. The Level of Fitout demanded by our Customer Demand driven model is ensured by our High Quality affordable delivery combining economy with flexibility.

Off-site manufacture Building for change, House of Lords . RSH&P Andrew Morris Tuesday 8 May 2018

Witness(es): Mr Andrew Morris, Partner, Rogers Stirk Harbour Ms Jane Richards, Director, Building structures, WSP Mr Jamie Johnston, Director, Bryden Wood
Witness(es): Dr Sarah Williamson, Technical Director, Laing O’Rourke Mr Martin Kelly, Strategic Business Development Director, Severfield Mr David Hurcomb, Chief Executive, NG Bailey

Full Transcript and written evidence Report
#Home​@ix, The Brand #Loftm​@tic #Stylem​@tic #Silverm​@tic #Ladym​@tic #Housem​@tic , The Ranges

Everything we do is Driven by the Homemaker.
1. Site identification and acquisition and Planning permission.
2. Sales funnel coordination with Regional Site availability
3. Curation of customer demand into pre sold or prelet Developments
4. qualifying customers Mortgage status and coordination with BOPA’s and Insurance backed Higher LTV mortgage product
5. Facilitating Customer Orders into Assembly line programmes
6. Customer and after sales service

Home@tix means — Customer Choice Now! Your Choice of Design — Your Choice of Finance — Options? Your Choice

“#Homeatix​ , everything we do is driven by the Homemaker”
Home@tix means — Customer Choice Now! Your Choice of Design — Your Choice of Finance — Options? Your Choice #AuthenticPlacemaking​ #AuthenticHomemaking
Hom@tix Overview of the Off Site Manufacturing Sector.

Part one Modular from Prefab to Ab Fab

Homeatix where the Customer “Homeagineers” the Place.

Homeatix Customers are our Home- Imagineers. “Homeagineers”

Home@tix means — Customer Choice Now!

Your Choice of Design —

Your Choice of Finance — Options? Your Choice

Everything we do is Driven by the Homemaker.

1. Site identification and acquisition and Planning permission.
2. Sales funnel coordination with Regional Site availability
3. Curation of customer demand into pre sold or prelet Developments
4. qualifying customers Mortgage status and coordination with BOPA’s and Insurance backed Higher LTV mortgage product
5. Facilitating Customer Orders into Assembly line programmes
6. Customer and after sales service

It is quite apparent this idea of SILOS with particular expertise groups re inventing the wheel as they haven’t looked into adjoining silos is a peculiar development in The world since the Internet accelerated the process of Expertise inflation. People stay in their lanes ,

“occasionally something outside the Box ( SILO) comes along and seems obvious but no one has seen it”.

We think Homeatics #Home@ix is like that!

Home@tix means — Customer Choice Now!
Your Choice of Design -
Your Choice of Finance -
Options? Your Choice

“affordable, off site, modular, homes apartments”, This search in Google Chrome Gave a selection of responses, very few were messages addressed directly to Homeseeker, Homemakers or what one would call real estate occupier customers. After our promotional Homeatix presentation you will see what were the main types of information generated. We were surprised that much of what comes up is industry focused and technical not customer facing.

Let Me Google that for you?

affordable off site modular homes apartments #Homeatix

We are a Customer Driven product our Homeagineers push our development site origination and provide the pull for our assembly lines.
Home@tix means — Customer Choice Now! Your Choice of Design — Your Choice of Finance — Options? Your Choice
Everything we do is Driven by the Homemaker.
1. Site identification and acquisition and Planning permission.
2. Sales funnel coordination with Regional Site availability
3. Curation of customer demand into pre sold or prelet Developments
4. qualifying customers Mortgage status and coordination with BOPA’s and Insurance backed Higher LTV mortgage product
5. Facilitating Customer Orders into Assembly line programmes
6. Customer and after sales service
It is quite apparent this idea of SILOS with particular expertise groups re inventing the wheel as they haven’t looked into adjoining silos is a peculiar development in The world since the Internet accelerated the process of Expertise inflation. People stay in their lanes , occasionally something outside the Box ( SILO) comes along and seems obvious but no one saw it previously.
We think Homeatix is like that.




Written by Home@ix

Empowering “Homeagineers” With a Volume House Builders Skill Set ,Homeatix Dashboard Evolution index “Home@tix is a Dashboard empowering Homeagineers

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